Finding a job right now is quite difficult. Despite the fact that you have graduated from college or university, that won’t guarantee you a well paying job. Some people even spend years looking for a job without landing in one. That’s quite alarming to be honest. Good thing that there are recruitment agencies now that could help you in your current dilemma. Here are some of the jobs available for those who are looking:
1. Sales Representative
You could sell items to people. You could even sell a
bmw car
if you want to. Do you know that this kind of job pays very well? The only thing you need to have is the power to convince the people and you’re good.
2. Mechanics and Technicians
Jobs which involve skills pay a lot so if you want to earn, this is the right job for you.
These are just some of the jobs you can have. There are still a number of jobs available so choose the one which suits best with your skills and knowledge.
Thank you for your interest in Recruitment Direct, I hope that you can find our methods of operation as beneficial to your company as many others have.
is predominantly a South African focused job web site that lists job vacancies in all industries. Founded in early 2000, we have since identified a growing need for highly manageable cost effective recruitment. It is with this in mind that we trust to bring these powerful tools of the recruitment industry directly into your office.
Being a recruitment agency and not simply a job site, Recruitment Direct is backed by the power of its specialized consultants who have been trained in your industry and regard themselves as being in your industry, keeping abreast of market trends and key industry players. Being quality focused as apposed to quantity, your industry consultant is sure to give you the attention that your position deserves.
Recruitment Directs aim is to list thousands of employment opportunities posted by South Africa’s top companies and organizations. Our goal is to make the process of finding a job or candidate as straight forward as possible and to make these jobs accessible to all applicants. Our services are
to all job seekers, they can search by job classification, location or consultancy and see at a glance what is available.
By utilizing the search and advertising facilities on the site you be able to keep an eye on the job market and find those suitable candidates when
are looking, not just the best available at the particular time when you decide to do a recruitment drive, insuring that you have a larger pool of candidates when making your choice.
To further ensure that your recruitment process hassle free and successful we offer all of our usual services to our online users, these include
Reference Checks
Contract staff - @ % of CTC package per month
Temporary staff - @ % or negotiated fees on special/ bulk orders
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Credit Checks
Criminal checks
Qualification Checks
Executive search (Head Hunting)
Interviewing and screening
Outsource Recruitment & Human Resources
to see our full list rates and services